you're system isn't even close to the min specs Xoid ... anything under a 500Mhz processor just can't handle the terrain withing the game, that game has gotta be at the lowest possible res with the lowest graphics options - because i've tried it on a system with similar specs and quite frankly for me 15fps just isn't acceptable ... and i'm not sure how anyone can say that's smooth.
Lord Belial - i'll gather together do a quick recode of my fmtBSP 0.9 format for you, i think you'll like how it works as i'm not sure how it'll react under patch4 is why i'll need to recode because it selects the faces on what can be seen but with fvf in place of standard mesh editing i'm not sure how i can do it ... infact the jump to fvf in memblocks instead of standard mesh data completely fudged up gameSpace, because i can't specify which way the faces should go. I think they should look into putting the mesh memblocks the way they were and add FVF memblocks if we want to use them.
else i'll have to go back to using patch 3.1 for it - which is a shame cause of the speed difference for major numbers of objects, but ho hum eh.
yeah but i think you'll like the layout of it, as the 0.x versions use a 2D Wolf3D/Doom style of BSP which is arrayed so there isn't actually much real data in there.
basic data layout is
type fmtVec_t
ent as byte
x as integer
z as integer
y as byte
t as byte
effectively its simple... it'd take the (ent) entity byte, which first 5bits = entity number (32 per world) then the next 3bits are free to be used by the entity as boolean flags normally. based on that depends how you use the rest of the data.
for faces ->
(x,z) integer position -2million to +2million (i figured this was big enough) ... then the next is the (y) height of it or rather 'level', its possible to make simple ramps and such with it.
then you'd have (t) texture index which is the index number of the texture which is outlined in the format header (upto 256 textures, which is more than enough even for most of todays worlds)
i mean the one good thing about fvf is that i don't have to bother with setup up the face and cull data, it'll do it automatically. As all of the faces are considered square - the UV data is calculated per group of 4 vertex in game
which was combined with the precalculted lightmap of the area
normals would be calcuated on load of the world.... and because of the way i did things i was able to combine the data of the shadow in the lightmaps before i combined with the game. However as DBpro is capable of using a Projection Matrix4 for this
well no need to fake the effect but just do it for real.
the thing i alway get stuck on with my formats is actually making editors because it bores me to - so i kinda loose interest whilst developing them, end up with a great format with no editor
Tsu'va Oni Ni Jyuuko Fiori Sei Tau!
One block follows the suit ... the whole suit of blocks is the path ... what have you found?