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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / can DBpro do this....

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Joined: 29th Aug 2002
Posted: 30th Aug 2002 00:11
DB looks like just what I'm looking for, there is a few things I'd like to know about..

1. Can I perform multiple vertex deformations on a polymesh? Such as to animate a face?

2. For the typical in-game cut-scenes: (I know it purely depends on vid. card, processor and detail etc , but...) How many characters could I have animated onscreen together? Take for example the zombie characters i saw on thi site - could I have 4 of these characters (skeletal animated) All limb motion would be looked-up fK rotatations coming from Maya. So pretty much all motion predefined, not much to calculate.
Add to this decent convincing environment geom? (lighting would be pre-baked into textures)...
(Assume an average decent modern PC and vid card.)

3. Any way to fake depth of field?

Any thoughts, I'd love to hear them.. Thanks

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Joined: 26th Aug 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 30th Aug 2002 00:36
Im sure 1 and 2 are possible. I like the sound of zombies

I have seen depth of field done using shaders but a lot of cards wouldn't be able to see the effect and it was very slow due to the whole scene having to be proccesed through the vertex shaders instead of the fixed TnL. I dont know about any other ways.

Specs:- 1GHZ athlon, Radeon8500, 192mb ram
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Joined: 29th Aug 2002
Posted: 30th Aug 2002 00:42
I'm sure I saw some zombies round here...
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Joined: 29th Aug 2002
Posted: 30th Aug 2002 00:50
sorry to be replying to my own thread... but the zombies in question were on 'darkmatter'
COuld I have these five characters animtated fluidly, with a decent poly environment?

(i knew i'd seen 'em!)

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