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Mike Johnson
TGC Developer
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Joined: 13th Sep 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 27th Jul 2006 16:45
There is a great deal of information in the documentation provided with Dark Physics. Here's an overview of what is included:

AGEIA PhysX Drivers

Getting Started: Getting Started with Dark Physics, Installation, Your First Dark Physics Program, Main Components, Adding Objects Into The Simulation, Using Multiple Rigid Bodies

Rigid Bodies: Introduction, Types, Creation, Using Rigid Bodies, Removing Rigid Bodies, Properties, Modifying Properties, Materials, Using Materials, Collision Data

Rigid Body Joints: Introduction, Types, Sphere Joint, Revolute Joint, Prismatic Joint, Cylindrical Joint, Fixed Joint, Distance Joint, Point In Plane Joint, Point On Line Joint, Pulley Joint, 6 Degrees of Freedom Joint

Character Controller: Introduction, Using a Character Controller, Character Controller in Action

Ray Casting: Introduction, Overview, Ray Casting in Action

Triggers: Introduction, Overview

Particles: Introduction, Creating Emitters, Setting Emitter Properties, Using Prebuilt Emitters, Technical Issues

Cloth: Introduction, Creation, Properties, Attachments, Other Features, Using Cloth, Attaching Cloth, Technical Issues

Vehicles: Overview, Creating Vehicles, Adding Components, Setting Properties, Automatic and Manual Driving

Fluids: Overview, Creation, Properties, Implicit Meshes

AGEIA PhysX: About AGEIA PhysX, AGEIA PhysX and Dark Physics, Example Implementation, PhysX Optimised Titles, License, Technical Details

Advanced: Introduction, Units, Simulation Timing, Skin Width, Solver Accuracy, Parameter Ranges, Collision Interactions, Continuous Collision Detection, Asynchronous Timing, Multiple Scenes, Integration, FAQ

Tutorials: Advanced Machinery, Advanced Structures, Character Controller, Collision Feedback, Ray Casting, Triggers, Spherical Joint, Revolute Joint, Fixed Joint, Cylindrical Joint, Prismatic Joint, Point In Plane Joint, Point on Line Joint

Examples: full listings of all example programs provided with Dark Physics with screenshots and overview text

Throughout each section plenty of example code and screenshots are provided to help you in understanding how things work.

The reference section in Dark Physics covers every single command and has been updated to a much better format with sections for the command name, overview, syntax, parameters, return values and description.

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