I have to say that I would not quite go as far as to say "There is NO WAY You can make a serious game without a bigger world" as Mr. Love suggests and there are far more serious FPSC issues to which such a claim for fame could be attached.
However I would agree with the thrust of the point that that Mr. Love makes and many have made over a long period of time that the FPSC world is small - very small and it without doubt it is - in terms of building outdoor type levels - which the engine is not by default designed to do - certainly not as it was eventually realesed with a reduced world size from that which was originally intended. The original intention or apparently was for a 100 x 100 x (?) tile world so apparently 40 x 40 x 20 tiles must have been not what was thought by TGC to be large enough.
The eventual world size was reduced for reasons we must presume of engine inefficiency of handling large worlds.
Those reasons are still valid and a larger world size currently would make maintaining reasonable fps almost impossible if you were to fill it up.
Given that improvements can be made to the engine then an enlarged world size might be possible and I am sure that TGC would consider it.
By any measure of modern game making standards the world size available for anyone contemplating making a game with outdoor levels is small and very limiting without question. Its one and only one reasoon why many potential game makers may not wish to contemplate using FPSC for their game making.
If FPSC is seen by TGC to best restricted to remain as an indoor quake style FPS engine then I doubt they will make any change to the world size, however I doubt that would be the case if they could establish that the engine could clearly handle a larger world size and they would I am sure welcome incorporating that.
Have some faith - TGC are well aware of all the issues and concerns of users and potential users and they will no doubt wish FPSC to appeal to as many different kinds of potential user as is possible. Commercial realities which govern the development of TGC products to a large part would support that as the more that are purchased the better TGC will like it.
If FPSC could support larger worlds or any of improvement I see no reason why TGC would withold such improvements which would be a boost to their products and generated revenues.
You may have to wait some time but hopefully you will see some substantial FPSC improvement.
Thas the way I see it anyway but I may be wrong.
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