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3 Dimensional Chat / Come and see our Circus

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Joined: 14th Feb 2003
Location: Western Australia
Posted: 27th Apr 2003 10:11
Screenshots uploaded to new server

Loading Screen (Its a render!)

"But we couldn't do that Mr Flibble," questioned Rimmer. "Who'd clean up the mess?"
--Twin P4 Xeon 2.0 Ghz, GeForce Quadro4 XGL 128MB, 1Gb DDR RAM, 19" Flat Screen--
Years of Service
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Joined: 1st Jan 2003
Location: United States
Posted: 27th Apr 2003 20:50
Um, you think you could edit the message to the top on isn't quite so big...

The Legend of Zelda IS NOT an RPG! It's an Adventure, just like Ico or Dark Cloud.
Shadow Robert
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Joined: 22nd Sep 2002
Location: Hertfordshire, England
Posted: 28th Apr 2003 00:40
BoBo the Seal has a pretty good tutorial for Skinning

Tsu'va Oni Ni Jyuuko Fiori Sei Tau!
One block follows the suit ... the whole suit of blocks is the path ... what have you found?

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