As the topic says, this is not a game but a game template with easy Newton included.(Total 2000 more or less lines)
DBPro Upgrade 6.2b
Newton 1.32b
What You can do:
free Object,image..etc commands.
variable wrapping between defined min&max values
variable wrapping ping pong style between defined min&max values
Distance finding between objects, cameras, positions, 2d stuff
Angle finding between objects cameras, 2d stuff
Finding if an 3d obj, cam, 2d mouse, sprite, pixel..etc in a defined zone
Finding if mouse is in a sprite, drawing, text zone
(Zone can be rectangle, triangle, circle)
Bitmap Fonts, creating,writing, effects..etc
Some Sprite Effects
2D Hud made out of 3d objects with animation
Easy create&play animated sprite functions
Easy Billboards and aligning them to any surface
Objects multitexturing (blend mapping)
Terrain creation
Vegetation creation over the terrain (Can easily be turned into a full eco-system creation, the tips for this is in the code)
Very Easy Newton environment set up and rigid body creations.
Easy Timers and how to use them. (Triggering events..etc)
and some more...
If you cant understand a functions usage while examining the code, just check the appropriate functions code and you might get help there.
All i ask is credits in your creations if all Or any part of this code is used. And an e-mail notification to tamer(@) brackets) about your creation.
Have Fun.
And some comments would be appreciated..