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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / [Dark Physics] Syntax Highlighting

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Joined: 1st Sep 2002
Location: Basingstoke, England
Posted: 2nd Aug 2006 02:00 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2006 02:03
Is it possible to get some sort of update file for the Dark Physics syntax? Just looking through some demo code now and I miss the bold blue!

Mike Johnson
TGC Developer
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Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 2nd Aug 2006 02:03
Using the latest editor should resolve any problems with the syntax highlighting. You can find the downloads here If installing these updates doesn't work then let me know and I can send you over some files to try out.
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Joined: 1st Sep 2002
Location: Basingstoke, England
Posted: 2nd Aug 2006 02:05 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2006 02:09
I thought I'd installed these already, but I will double check and report back. Cheers Mike.

Edit: You were right. One too many reinstalls of DBPro and I was behind on my editor updates. All sorted now thanks.

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