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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / Character controller acting a bit odd..

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Location: Ohio
Posted: 2nd Aug 2006 05:22
well,in the demo of the character controller a) you can fly b) if you don't move,then you have barely any gravity applied to you,c) idk and d) its very cool. I wanna know how to fix b). I already fixed a.

About -10 min. if tgc is nice

well,it'll be released apparently at 1:00am for me. But who cares,I've stayed up all night plenty o' times
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2006 10:22
Huh,well,it seems theres friction against the the void space if you are not moving. I'm wondering if its just this demo or do the character controllers do this no matter what? pleeeease say they don't. Otherwise,its really good. And,so far,I can say I'm pretty happy with most aspects of dark physics(some stuff just seems wierd,like how some of the demos run slow,but when I do the same thing they go normal speed) Well,I gotta say,dp actually will help me quite a bit.

Woohoo. DP is finally released!
Mike Johnson
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2006 10:24
Will sort out more info for you later on the character controller to explain how to get the best out of it.
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2006 11:05 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2006 11:21

Hm...I found a simple way to get around this. I just tell it to move the character ever so slightly and it applies normal gravity(ex:phy move character controller 3, 0.000000000001). I just put that before phy update and everything works all fine and dandy. Now one thing though,is it possible to make your character jump?

Woohoo. DP is finally released!
X Trade
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2006 12:15
i would have thought that you just apply an upward force?
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2006 21:16
It was already falling slowly,no need to make it stay put

Woohoo. DP is finally released!

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