Whether or not a person is new to game making in general or not - including being New to FPSC and these forums or not...
All forum members deserve to be and should be treated with respect at all times.
TGC, the AUP, Forum Rules and Guidlines and the FPSC Moderators say so.
Thats not up for debate.
Bad behaviours from either new members or long standing members will be viewed and treated the same way and actions will be taken by the moderators to curtail such bad behaviours.
The Mods have been a little quite around here of late and users wish to take full advantage of that I can see - with reoccurrances of swearing, offensive statements and other bad behaviours creeping back into the forums.
Mods are quite capable of deciding what constitutes something which is allowed or not and this kind of user debate and behaviour is not.
Some of the users here at these forums that are are using such bad behaviours such as swearing and making offesive agressive statements towards others - either individuals or groups are chalking up points on the Mods bad behaviour list and will do themselves no good at all. They wont change anything and just bring closer the chance of action being taken against their behavioiurs if they continue down that road.
"I am and forever will be your friend"