If I have the following subroutine which controls a box-shaped
playerObject, how could I make it so that the angular velocity is controlled at a local level?
Currently, and you'll have to bear with my lack of angular skills, it seems to be rotating in respect to a global axis.
I've scanned over the documentation, but i can't find any form of
phy set rigid body local angular velocity, like the
phy add rigid body local force command.
Am I being silly?
And what the heck is torque anyway!?
if spacekey() then phy add rigid body local force objPlayer, 0, 0, 100, 5
if upkey() then phy set rigid body angular velocity objPlayer, 2,0,0
if downkey() then phy set rigid body angular velocity objPlayer, -2,0,0
if rightkey() then phy set rigid body angular velocity objPlayer, 0,2,0
if leftkey() then phy set rigid body angular velocity objPlayer, 0,-2,0