I can load a object, apply a texture, then clone it, and the new cloned object is textured as well. Dunno if pre textured models work the same way.
I am having a little trouble applying my shaders to clones, getting some odd crashes... will try and reproduce in a sample program
*turns out the crash was due to the fvf format I was using...
#constant FVF_XYZ 0x002
#constant FVF_TEX1 0x100
#constant FVF_TEX2 0x200
myFVF as dword
Seemed to work fine before I applied the shader. However when I tryed to apply the shader to a clone, it actually crashed dark gdk, something about a access violation. Only happend to clones, a regular object loaded the shader ok, but the shader itself didnt work (the uv coords seemed messed up). Changed the fvf format of the model back to the standard 274 (or whatever it is), and things work fine now.. hmm..
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