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3 Dimensional Chat / Big Bosses Contest [WIP Thread]

TKD guy
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Posted: 12th Aug 2006 19:13
Okay, here's a question that may or may not be important, but does the bosse's environtment polys count toward the 2500 poly limit, or does the environment get its own 2500 polys,too?
P.S. I like the model of the week idea.
The crazy
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Posted: 12th Aug 2006 19:17
I think you are free to go crazy on the environment

TKD guy
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Posted: 12th Aug 2006 22:40
Ok, here's my wip.
I'm not sure about the name but here it goes...
Archdemon Gadeon.
Yeah, I know I'm just bursting with creativity by making a big dragon a boss( yeah im being sarcastic), but i still think it looks cool.
Still gotta add teeth and other little tweaks(like a texture, haha) but i'm just about done really.


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The crazy
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Posted: 12th Aug 2006 23:05 Edited at: 12th Aug 2006 23:08
Hey, don't post bitmaps, you'll get flamed.

Note: This is not my wip


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Mucky Muck Ninja
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Posted: 13th Aug 2006 00:31
Lookin nice TKD. Thanks for reposting it crazy!

The crazy
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Posted: 13th Aug 2006 01:15
glad to do it

TKD guy
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Posted: 13th Aug 2006 07:12
So it has to be a .jpeg file. I can deal with that. Thanks for posting that for me crazy.
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Posted: 15th Aug 2006 00:56
*Whistles* damn i fink i wont win .. but hey .. as im rubbish at this sorta thing anyway mite as well shuve my 2 pence in .. currently working on this Bender-lookalike (maybe its his EVIL[er] cousin) Heres a couple of Screens

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Posted: 15th Aug 2006 11:42
Hey guys how do you make really cool cartoon renders like what Ginga did? Answer this one and Ill show you my best

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Posted: 15th Aug 2006 14:37
I think Ginga was using Google Sketchup(or whatever its called) and it renders like that...

And be package specific if you want help...


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Posted: 16th Aug 2006 00:34
you might as well put it in DBPro with a shader on top.

formerly KrazyJimmy

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Posted: 16th Aug 2006 18:32
The ent is done, I just need to do some kind of scene now.

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Posted: 17th Aug 2006 02:07 Edited at: 17th Aug 2006 02:09
@ Keemo1000

Glad you like it And yeah, as greenlig said, i was using Googles SketchUp, and it jus happens to be a few of the textures i used on him, to give him that effect. Tho its a REALLY basic program. But not to shabby for low pol designs.. and i havnt figured out how to texture map it yet.

Oh, and Higgins . .Ur Ent rocks!
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 18:06
Quote: "Sounds like an awesome idea, just for the record its jimmy urine not jonny :p.
Also above you said model of the week and then you said model of the month, personally I think a model of the week would be better, theres almost always a WIP or two on the forum, and it would provide a sort of smaller 'contest' type thing for people who don't want a theme, and just want to be recogized for their work on a personal project."

My mistake about the urine thing. Weekly, is fair, glad you like the idea.

Quote: "dont go down there! its not safe!

I think model of the week would be excellent!

Except you cant pay the judges to pick you every time"

Lol, yeah, but you would be suprised, there are quite a few decent people on the FPSC forums, its just they prefer to go onto one of the member's forums elsewhere (where my tutorials are now stored, but I'll get to that once I've got plenty of new ones ) As for bribary, I'm like chief Wiggum on the Simpson's 'What does my badge say? Cash bribes only.' But seriously, it is something that is near impossible to cheat with

Nice WIP's from everyone. Higgins, I think Zone Alarm is blocking your image site, however my trial ends in two days (As my code no longer works...expired April supposedly )

Seems the contest has been paused while I was away, please start creating some entries and well once I've got up to date with everything back here, I'll come and end it.

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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 19:24
Musashi, none of us are realy sure when the dead line is, some dont know how many pols to use either. We need some guide lines set down.
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 20:16
Quote: "We need some guide lines set down."

There are, the stickied thread right at the top of 3D chat is always updated with the current contest, which is why I always link to that as the 'rules and regulations' on the very first post I make in the WIP thread, also, the first post in the WIP thread contains other information that you should read when starting if you need to know stuff.

The deadline should have been away, I did further up ask for the people I had reply to the thread when I was asking for extra's, but its obvious no one caught wind of that, but don't worry, at least now you've got more time to work on it. I'll see whats going down as to parties to results day (I know I was invited to a part last week, but I was on holiday, shame really, I missed out on getting drunk and looking like an idiot ) and the status of all me friends before I recreate the next day and sort all out.

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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 20:38
looks like i won't be entering this compo i just don't have the time now

I don't have a sig, live with it.
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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 20:58
Quote: "Current contest:
***Favourite Game Character Contest****:
Contest Rules:

Recreate your favourite game character into a low poly game engine ready format. It can be any game character, 2D or 3D, so if you would rather do a representation of A like to the past Link rather than a Wind Waker link, by all means do so.

Only manditory rule is the poly count;
Max poly count - 1500 (it may seem small, but its good for games, which is the idea)

Check out the WIP thread for more details on some of the more preferred requirements (but are not maditory)

It doesnt tell you about the current contest.

I just noticed the dead line date, seems like every one missed out on entering it this time then, no one wins.
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 21:41
Thats odd...I did update it, it must have been something with my connection to the internet and it didn't actually post the data. That is strange, I'll sort that out tomorrow, when I have more time. Sorry about that.

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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 22:22
what about the dead line dates? Are they wrong?
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 20th Aug 2006 00:49
No they're not, it appears that the only mistake is that the contest description hasn't been updated, when I look at it I can see why, I sort of set the contest in sections, first I insert the details, before deciding on the date, I just apply the given requirements (obviously where the mistake happened) then I create the threads and provide the links between them, then add the thread links to the main thread and then I decide the date, I obviously didn't notice that mistake when doing so, however I did put the same requirements I did in the post that didn't edit into the WIP thread requirements. What you. What you need to know is there, apologies for the mix up, all of the info is availible, just not all of it in all of the places needed.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2006 03:02
But its past the submitting stage, it says to post the image on the 17th, its the 20th now and no one has submitted an image. So does this mean every one missed out on entering?
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 20th Aug 2006 12:13
No, while I was away I asked for this to be maintained, but looks like no one did take off for me, to end it etc. so it is still running, I'm going to let people to have a chance to enter.

@all, anyone who has started, you may continue, once I start seeing getting back to it, I'll reschedule the dates.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2006 16:04
My ent is done, I just dont have any scene for it. Do we have to have a scene?
Disturbing 13
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Posted: 20th Aug 2006 22:13
Yes it is a big boss in his enviroment as to reflect his size.

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 21st Aug 2006 21:58
Wait, when are entries due?

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 21st Aug 2006 23:37
Well I was hoping for more people to come back to work on their work in progresses, there was a deadline, but literally everyone missed it as nobody took over while I was away, once I do have enough promise of people entering, I'll reset the due in date. If nobody does, I'll sadly have to call this a dud and start a new contest.

The crazy
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Posted: 21st Aug 2006 23:49
oh, why didnt you ask someone to take over? I'm up for it next time you leave if you want...

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2006 00:09
The Crazy, I did, I guess nobody saw it.

My computer finally is showing Higgins' WIP and I think it looks pretty cool.

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2006 01:33
I dont know what to model for the scene and because its not a paid job, just some fun, I dont have any drive to do it. I might just enter him next to a crate and that will be that.
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2006 02:08
from the looks of things, there is a start to a scene, a bit of terrian, a basic cave entrance, all stuff that is relative quick and easy enough to do, or just a bench by him with some other simple accessories.

The crazy
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2006 02:41
Quote: "The Crazy, I did, I guess nobody saw it."


Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2006 03:15
it happens, theres no biggy, with a small forum contest, you can expect mistakes here and there.

Medieval Coder
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2006 03:26
wow just noticed this.....guess im not entering this time...

Good luck to all who enter!

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2006 13:41
Last date for entries is now - 28th Aug.

TKD guy
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Posted: 26th Aug 2006 19:15 Edited at: 26th Aug 2006 19:16
hey mucky muck, how did you get the renderer not to mess up with the transparent colors on the jets of that mech of yours? Right now i'm trying to get teeth and some hair on my dragon, but dark basic always messes it up. observe


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