Hello idiseye,
welcome too the DBP community.
i would like too help you out a bit. heres a few things u should know.
1) the object should normally be in X format
2) the forums are always open. feel free too ask questions
3) here we go. ill tell you your code
okay, too load the object into DBP you need too use the command
Load object "your object",object #.
the object # is the number that you can use too call upon the object when you need. for instance moving it in a game and so on. you code should look like
all this will do is load the object and then exit the program. use the
command too wait for a key before it ends. so....
load object "object.x",1
wait key
Look up the 3d commands section in the help files (F1) those will give you the scale object, texture object and more of the commands too corrispond with this.
if you need anymore help just ask,
-Snowfall studios