Quote: "
Can't wait to see you WIP thread, when your ready of corse."
It probaly won't be, I'm a traitor, its not being done in DBP.
But heres the very early work in progress thread on another forum, if you're interested. When you see it, you'll see how 'early' it is for a WIP, I don't even have the right models
Quote: "The thing is, this is NOT a fan game...this is a direct (as
possible) port from 2d to 3d...as far as i know, fan games are usually allowed, however its a different story when your replicating copyrighted material, *especially* without the consent of Nintendo (which i doubt they would provide =P)"
Well really it is a fan game, as the game is being developed by a fan, even though following the same story, porting from 2D to 3D on it, I say its still a fan game, as I've seen 3D to 2D versions of Ocarina or Time, Majoras Mask and Wind Waker that fall under the term of Fan game, what does it matter? They are no longer producing or selling the gameboy version and therefore either way Nintendo aren't gonna make money from Links Awakening, even if there are 3D versions, so I sincerely doubt they would need to care, I mean if they let it happen they'd be making their fans happy.
@Tiniton, you may be interested in showcasing this over at
http://www.zfgc.com Its a forum where many people showcase their Zelda fangames from early production up until release.