I basically pass a parameter to the program known as the continent from this i want the program to load different a different heightfield, terrains etc
I had to cast it to get it to reference it as char * for strcpy and strcat but it still exits with the same error for sum unknown reason. I am not sure if i should be using namespace or malloc but i thought either code would have been valid. Maybe it just because i think im running in debug mode not sure.
char loadthis[40];
strcpy((char *)&loadthis,"graphics/"); strcat((char *)&loadthis,continent); strcat((char *)&loadthis,"Height.png");
dbSetTerrainHeightmap(1,(char *)&loadthis);
//create the terrain object
dbSetTerrainHeightmap(1,(char *)&loadthis); //` set the heightmap
dbSetTerrainScale(1,4.0f,0.6f,4.0f);// ` ,2,.4,2set the scale
dbSetTerrainSplit(1,16);// ` split value lower is faster
dbSetTerrainTiling(1,2);// ` detail map tiling
dbSetTerrainLight(1,1.0f,-0.25f,0.0f,1,1,1,0.5f); // ` light - xdir, ydir, zdir, red, green, blue, intensity
strcpy((char *)&loadthis,"graphics/"); strcat((char *)&loadthis,continent); strcat((char *)&loadthis,"Texture.png");
dbLoadImage((char *)&loadthis,1000,0);
dbSetTerrainTexture(1,1000,1001);// ` base and detail texture
dbBuildTerrain(1); // finally build the terrain`gosub createWater
dbSync();//place loading bar;prior to further loading