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Dark GDK / newbie problems

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Joined: 1st Nov 2005
Posted: 13th Aug 2006 09:31
Hi guys, I searched and found afew posts on using strings with the gdk, and while I have tried those solutions I still can't get them to work, mostly because i'm very new to c/c++.

I cut and pasted the parts in question from my program. I've prototyped the load_settings function in the main.h file.. everything works ok if i comment out all the string stuff. I've tried different combinations of getting the string to work but yeah, i'm new. I do have a book i borrowed from the library plus I ordered two stephen prata ones from amazon (waiting to be delivered).

Also, while i'm making a post I may aswell ask some other questions.. I'm trying to get the following code from dbp to work with the gdk;

I tried rewriting it to what i thought it would be;

I prototyped the functions in the main.h file.. I can get the first two functions to work, but after that I get too many errors to know what I'm doing lol. I block comment out most of the functions and try to solve one at a time. I know someone will probaly read this and say "why not use cout,cin and do your file reading writing functions that way".. well I thought it would be easier to change an already existing function to work with the gdk than write one from scratch.. and I like the way the text file comes out when using these functions..

Could someone maybe rewrite one as an example (preferable) or point me in the right direction please.
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Posted: 13th Aug 2006 19:38
Quote: "void load_settings(void) { object a;"hello this is what seems to be a string"); dbPrint(const_cast<char*>(; }"

Shouldn't that be

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Posted: 15th Aug 2006 11:45
Heres some functions I wrote for a big library im working on.

Should work just fine for you
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Joined: 29th Sep 2004
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 21st Aug 2006 13:39
Hey ashly,

I got your email, but my email sending isnt working...

Try creating a blank file.ini and then try the code.. works fine here...


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