Right, against my better nature, I've actually had a think about what your screenshot is trying to show, shall I tell you what I think?
You've outlined your roof in blue, and I have attempted to outline the rest of the car in red, have I done that right? if yes, then you want to move the roof, since it's in the wrong place. Select those triangles you drew a blue circle round in the top view move, then move them to right until they are in the right position. Additionally, move them up and down in the top view until they are in the right positions (up and down in the top view equates to moving backwards and forwards respectively)
If you don't know how to select and move triangles, then go read the help page for your modeller, those are some of the most basic features, but yet are not universal across every modeller...
Now, if this isn't your problem, and you still want it solving, please be more descriptive...
Another thing I think you could do is (as mentioned earlier, tidy up the triangles around the door. They are a little messy. What do I mean? well I have an example below (look in the top left viewports)...
Here are 2 squares, square 1 is how it should be built neatly.
Square 1
whereas your door seems to be constructed using the "square 2" idea
Square 2