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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / [dark Physics] object falls through floor.

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Posted: 14th Aug 2006 03:56
OK , your turn to be clever, whats wrong with this.

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Black Mesa
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Posted: 14th Aug 2006 04:13
Im not sure if this is what you wanted but what if you just position the sphere above the ground?

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Posted: 14th Aug 2006 04:15 Edited at: 14th Aug 2006 04:15
the sphere is being created inside of the ground. Thats the problem. Position it at 0,10,0 and it will work.

EDIT smeh,black mesa commented before me. But he was correct,position it above the ground.

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Posted: 14th Aug 2006 09:29
Here's the tunneling effect. You have to wait about a minute before the ball rockets past, straight through the floor.

Interesting as

has no effect.

"Reality Bites"
Mike Johnson
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Posted: 14th Aug 2006 10:17
CCD commands have been updated for the next release. Testing went well over the weekend so expect to see it released today.
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Posted: 14th Aug 2006 15:16
Mike ,or anyone

How do you put a dynamic object inside a static object

trying to put a box dynamic inside a static cylinder to make the box jump out and hit the sphere sitting on top.

Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.
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Posted: 14th Aug 2006 22:13
The new 1.01 update states:

"To control the threshold at which CCD is applied use the command phy set rigid body ccd motion threshold to specify a minimum velocity for the use of CCD. I.e. below the motion threshold for the body only regular discrete collision detection is used. (This applies to absolute velocities and relative velocities(for dynamic vs dynamic CCD))"

Trouble is, it doesn't say what the parameters are - they are

phy set rigid body ccd motion threshold object-id, threshold

Unfortunately, I still can't get it to work - still tunnels.

"Reality Bites"
Mike Johnson
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Posted: 14th Aug 2006 22:15
You also need to switch CCD on for the rigid body using "phy set rigid body ccd 3, 1"

Here's a full program demonstrating how things work:

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Posted: 14th Aug 2006 22:25
Your example works, however phy set rigid body ccd 102, 1 doesn't highlight in blue...

My example generates an error dialog:

PhysicsSDK::createCCDSkeleton: desc.isValid() is false!

"Reality Bites"
Mike Johnson
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Posted: 14th Aug 2006 22:42
Not updated the keywords file just yet so the new commands won't highlight.

There are some limitations when using CCD. Maybe in this case we need some extra commands so you can have your sphere but internally for CCD it uses a simpler shape to represent the skeleton.

Here's the cases for dynamic v static when CCD is performed:

* ccd is enabled
* only if the dynamic object has a ccd skeleton
* only if the point velocity on the body is above the ccd motion threshold
* only if the static object is a convex or mesh rigid body

And here's the cases for when dynamic v dynamic CCD is performed:

* ccd is enabled
* only if both shapes have ccd skeletons
* only if the point velocity on either of the bodies is above the ccd motion threshold
* only if the relative velocity of the bodies is above a small epsilon

With a few more commands for further control over this we should be able to get everything covered and ensure you can use it as you like.

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