the exact reason why catapults have a basket
so that the basket edges hold the objects inertial forces until they are directed straight forward from the basket...but you may also notice that the basket is never drawn beyond the horizon...i will show quick paint sketch for you brb.
sync on
sync rate 30
rem these will be static
make object box 1,50,1,50
make object box 2,5,20,5
make object box 3,5,20,5
make object box 4,5,5,40
make object sphere 5,15,5,8
position object 2,15,10,15
position object 3,15,10,-15
position object 4,15,22.5,0
position object 5,20,0,0
rem these will be our moving parts
make object box 6,45,5,5
make object box 7,15,1,15
make object box 8,15,8,1
make object box 9,15,8,1
make object box 10,1,8,15
position object 6,-2.5,5,0
position object 7,-32.5,3,0
position object 8,-32.5,7,0
move object 8,7.5
position object 9,-32.5,7,0
move object 9,-7.5
position object 10,-39.5,7,0
rem give me something to launch :)
make object sphere 11,7,5,10
position object 11,-36,10,0
move camera -150
phy start
for object=1 to 5
phy make rigid body static box object
next object
for object=6 to 11
phy make rigid body dynamic box object
next object
phy make revolute joint 1,5,6,0,0,10,20,0,0
phy make fixed joint 2, 6, 7
phy make fixed joint 3, 7, 8
phy make fixed joint 4, 7, 9
phy make fixed joint 5, 7, 10
phy update
Ink all over the screen...and dang it! Signature still does not show.