I was messing around with FPSC this morning and decided to include a torch model as a bonus for my next pack. The torch is very basic and just about does the job. I'll explain how it works.
The crosshair for the torch is a translucent circle. It gives the appperance of light. The torch also flashes the yellow gun light when you click the mouse. The yellow light helps the translucent circle see the object so in theory if you only concentrate on the circle and not the flashing yellow light then it gives the appperance of a torch beam. It's very basic but I think it's good enough for FPSC at present. Here are some screenshots to demonstrate what I have just explained...
In a total black environment with no light what so ever holding down the mouse button will illuminate the view and you will be able to see it more clearly through the circle. The light does flash so it can get annoying. Remember the yellow light comes from holding the mouse button.
In a dimly lit area, the crosshair just about illuminates dark objects so you can see them more clearly.
Anyway it's called a FLASH-light so it flashes