I look at that thread Thraxas, but i couldnt get it to work they way i wanted. I tried editing the Pickup1 script, and i got my image to show...but to fades out and the game ends.
I need the item to show the image, make it stay there for a few seconds ( or if possible until the play pushes enter) and after that the item will dissappear.
also Candles Games thanks for your post, i tried that but i just dont knw where apply it.
The Item is gonna be the dossier file, for a WW2 style game.
It would be great if anyone has anymore suggestions, but i will mess around some more until then lol.
once again thanks for the replys.
EDIT: Update
I have got the image to open when i go to it and press enter. But i cant get it to close, or for the enity to be picked up. ah well at least thats some progress!