You know I totally agree with Locrian that if this is a warez thing then you shouldnt be here on this forum looking for info... Stealing is just that Stealing no matter if you download it or walk away with the product out of the store...
With that said now lets play devils advocate here... What if he has the extra CD for the tutorials etc and this is new to him and what if he didnt read the manual...Look at this forum there are a ton of people who buy the software and never reads the manual...
Now to flip it one more time and why I agree with Locrian here Autodesk is not cheap by any means and your average joe can not afford to pop several grand on software especially when there pc only cost them a few hundered so with that said I said enough...
I know I sound skitzo here...hmmm good idea for my next game level...
Mod can you lock this thread we went a little off topic here....ty
Have you downloaded your CLiPs today.