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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / [Dark Physics] Object disconnected

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Posted: 17th Aug 2006 02:05 Edited at: 17th Aug 2006 09:02
I'm starting to see problems with Dark Physics 1.01 to do with the physics object becoming disconnected from the graphics object. I'm firing a sphere into a scene, and sometimes the sphere ends up stuck in front of me, yet I can see the result of the sphere hitting other objects as it would if the graphics were actually moving!

Here's an example I hoped would show the problem... except it works just fine!

I'm guessing it's something to do with the: phy set rigid body linear velocity

"Reality Bites"
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Posted: 17th Aug 2006 21:50
Did you come across this problem in the original version? Do you have a dual core processor?

If this problem is shown in the program you're working on then you can always send it direct to me ( rather than posting on the forum ) and I will test as soon as possible.
Mike Johnson
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Posted: 17th Aug 2006 21:50
Posted with the old account then...
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Posted: 17th Aug 2006 23:15

I don't understand... it's all working perfectly...

If it starts doing it again, I'll certainly send you a copy.

"Reality Bites"
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Posted: 17th Aug 2006 23:23 Edited at: 19th Aug 2006 02:30
Hope you don't mind a couple changes as I was playing with your code.
I added mass to the bullets and the boxes, but it seems more fun if commented out. Also, the controller box
was not positioned on the player_object,
so I changed that line. Anyhow, a good code example, and I have not seen your bug, either.

Ad Astra Per Asper
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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 15:53
Here's a rewrite:

The biggest difference is how the velocity is applied to the bullet object - instead of working it out with vectors, I used a local force - orient the bullet in the direction you want it to go, then simply apply a 0, 0, n force to it, and off it goes in that direction!

"Reality Bites"

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