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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / New character controller commands.

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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 15:38
Hi all. Has anyone used the new character controller commands yet to create straifing or jumping? I cant seem to get anywhere with them!!
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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 16:02
Well if we are going to help you, a small demo world with what you have tried upto now would help.

or part of it we could paste into the demo world demo that came with Dark Physics.

Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.
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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 16:11
Hi HowDo.

Im currently just using really simple commands to get it moving:

But I was just wondering really how to use the new displace commands to get sraifing and jumping working. The command in question is : phy set character controller displacement ID, x#, y#, z#

I cant seem to get any results from it. It just causes the controller to fly!!
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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 16:17
have you got this bit in your code before the do loop.

Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.
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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 16:22
Yeah got all that. I mean, I have my character walking around the level perfectly, its just the jumping etc I need to solve. And thats what the new commands are for but Mike hasnt finished the help/examples on them yet.
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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 16:36
well Ihave juust bolted the commands into the fpsc demo only its moaning, now to find out which commands it not right.

how high a jump value are you hoping to use?

have this if anyone else want a look.

Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.
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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 16:59
Quote: "how high a jump value are you hoping to use?"

Whatever looks realistic. Half the height of the character maybe?
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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 17:02
Well this does the oppsite, it stops you falling when it mid-air!

Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.
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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 17:08
Exactly. Thats the result I get no matter what!!
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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 17:25
and this just falls through the ground whether it +100 or -100

I think we may need to be patience and hope Mike tells a more.

Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.
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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 17:35
I think your right. Thanks for having a look though
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Posted: 19th Aug 2006 19:35
worked out what you can use this one for,

stop you doing a take off from the ground and flying around.

Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.

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