Ok, i'm currently using this snippet in my program, as it searches a directory, gets the full file name, and the extension. Then Finds the files with '.bmp' and stores them in an array, and loads them into image slots.
REM Make sure you use the CD DIRECTORY command to set the folder to search
REM Find n Sort new Files
DIM CI$(255,2)
perform checklist for files
T=checklist quantity()
find first : CI$(1,1) = get file name$() : CI$(1,2)= Right$(CI$(1,1),3)
For A = 2 to T
find next : CI$(A,1) = get file name$() : CI$(A,2) = Right$(CI$(A,1),3)
next A
REM Sort for BMP
B = 0
For A = 1 to T
if CI$(A,2)="bmp"
Load bitmap II$(B),B
Next A
REM add this line when you have finished with the files in the checklist
clear checklist