Clearly there are some differences betwween a test compile and a final build game .exe compile generated from your level(s)- this is bourne out by various issues that can crop up inside a game .exe as opposed to one in test run when often they do not show up.
There are numerous issues that can and do crop up in a finished game complie not just the specific one you encounter.
Now actually asking users here to understand what goes on inside the various compile processes is rather a tall order - I doubt TGC fully understand it which may be one and only one contributory factor to why issues exist. There are many.
I have not followed your thread in the bug forum so dont know the details = clearly It would be best if that was looked at as there is very little info here about your problem other than theres a black screen.
But clearly - yes there is a difference or otherwise you would not encounter the problem.
I have suggested that FPSC use a system whereby an acumalative compile is used by which a level and game is build on that basis - thus you load into the eidtor a level (the same level) that is saved to an accumalative build. When editing only any upadated work would need be added to the compile - not the whole recompiled every time you test run - nor at final build. That means at all times the editor would use levels whch are a true state of your development at any one time (WYSIWYG)- levels always being compiled accunmalatively on the fly - as you go. When you have finished all of your individual levels - your game is already compiled and all that would be needed to be done would be to finally pack them together in order with your front end and so on.
Not quite as easy as that and that might not solve such problems.
Anyway that will likely never be incorporated - its another story.
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