@ Prosaic, Would that matter? i'm running the prog at 800x600, and the image size its making is 512x256, but tis not going onto the screen, its saving it in memory, then saving the file to the HDD
@Latch, cheers, i missed that. I've updated the code, but it still says that 'area exceeds bitmap size'
CD CurpM$
REM Find n Sort new Files
perform checklist for files
DIM CI$(255,2)
T=checklist quantity()
find first : CI$(1,1) = get file name$() : CI$(1,2)= Right$(CI$(1,1),3)
For A = 2 to T
find next : CI$(A,1) = get file name$() : CI$(A,2) = Right$(CI$(A,1),3)
next A
REM Sort for BMP - FC = Filecount
FC = 0
For A = 1 to T
if CI$(A,2)="bmp"
load image II$(FC),FC
Next A
empty checklist
Rem Clear all bitmaps
BE = 0
For A = 1 to 31
If bitmap exist(A) = 1
BE = BE + 1
delete bitmap BE
Next A
REM LOAD Bitmaps
REM Get BM Height/Width
REM BH = tot Bitmap Height : BW = tot Bitmap width
DIM BI(FC,2) : C=0 : R=0 : BH = 0 : BW = 0 : CC = 0 : RO = 1
For A = 1 to FC
CC = CC + 1
If CC = 5
CC = 0 : RO = RO + 1
load bitmap II$(A),A
BI(A,1)=bitmap height(A) : BI(A,2)=bitmap width(A)
BH = BH + BI(A,1) : BW = BW + BI(A,2)
next A
REM Make Texture File
REM MBH = Mean BH : MBW = Mean BW
MBH = 0 : MBW = 0
NBH = 0 : NBW = 0
MBH = int((BH/BC)/2) : MBW = int((BW/BC)/2)
NBH = int(MBH*RO) : NBW = int(MBW*4)
create bitmap BC+1,int(NBW),int(NBH)
For A = 1 to BC
C = C + 1
If C = 5
R = R + 1
C = 0
CX = (C-1)*MBW
CY = R * MBH
BX = C * MBW
BY = (R+1)*MBH
Copy Bitmap A,0,0,BI(A,2),BI(A,1),BC+1,CX,CY,BX,BY
set current bitmap BC+1
get image 100,0,0,bitmap width(),bitmap height()
Next A
its really doing my head in.. has anyone got some function, or code that allows you to put X amount of images into 1 file?