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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / Advanced Machinery 'Revolute Joint' configuration invalid error

Techie Lover
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Joined: 1st Aug 2006
Posted: 20th Aug 2006 22:52
I'm working my way through the tutorials supplied with Dark Physics but have hit a problem when typing in the code from the Advanced Machinery tutorial. The prebuilt tutorail code runs great, but when i try to run the help file code i get the above runtime error "Revolute Joint configuation invalid"

Any help/advice appreciated

here's the code:
phy start
sync on
sync rate 0

`Creating a Ground Object

make object box 1,40,1,40
position object 1,0,0,0
load image "metal1.tga",1
texture object 1,1
phy make rigid body static box 1

`Creating a Background

make object sphere 100,80
set object cull 100,0
load image "stripe5.png",100
texture object 100,100

`Constructing the Crane

make object box 2,4,16,4
position object 2,0,9,0
texture object 2,1
phy make rigid body static box 2

`Creating the Control Box
make object box 3,2,2,2
position object 3,0,18,0
texture object 3,1
phy make rigid body static box 3

`make joint between Crane and control box

phy make revolute joint 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 18, 0

`Create the Arm of the Crane
make object box 4,10,1,1
position object 4,6,18,0
texture object 4,1
phy make rigid body dynamic box 4

`make joint between Control Box and Arm

phy make revolute joint 3, 2, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0, 18, 0

`Position the Camera
position camera -30,25,0
rotate camera 40,90,0



phy set rigid body angular velocity 4,0,y#,0
phy update

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Joined: 23rd Nov 2002
Posted: 21st Aug 2006 01:27
You have a joint between 2 static boxes change to:

phy make rigid body dynamic box 3

PIV 2.8 MZ 512 Mem
FX 5600 256 mem
Techie Lover
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Joined: 1st Aug 2006
Posted: 21st Aug 2006 14:15
thanks Codger. How do I get the code into a code box?
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Joined: 5th Dec 2005
Posted: 22nd Aug 2006 04:57 Edited at: 22nd Aug 2006 04:58
hit code button enter then paste your code ...then click code button again

Ink all over the screen...and dang it! Signature still does not show.

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