I think we all know what's going on here. Here's my suggestion to all the people that think they'll will make outstanding models just by possessing one of the most expensive modelers on the market (which you won't). Download and install Maya P.L.E. and/or XSI Mod Tool; both which are pretty much fully functional (yet limited) programs. Use these tools to discover whether they are right for you, then continue to hone your skills until you can afford to get one. For the people who are craving 3DS Max; get yourself a copy of GMax (they're out there), and do the same thing.
Until you can afford a large and expensive piece of software like Max; I suggest you use something like Milkshape, 3D Canvas Pro, GameSpace, or Anim8or to get down the basicss of the 3D world. Then, when you can afford it (or can charge it to your plastic), you'll not only have a legit copy...but be well-versed in 3D to boot.