This is the correct way to creat a terrain:
LOAD IMAGE "detail.tga", 10056
rem LOAD IMAGE "texture.bmp", 10058
MAKE OBJECT TERRAIN 1 `create the terrain object
SET TERRAIN HEIGHTMAP 1,"heightmap.bmp" `set the heightmap
SET TERRAIN SCALE 1, 300, 8.6, 300 `set the scale
SET TERRAIN SPLIT 1, 16 ` split value
SET TERRAIN TILING 1, 1 ` detail map tiling
rem SET TERRAIN LIGHT 1, 1, -0.25, 0, 1, 1, 0.78, 0.5 ` light - xdir, ydir, zdir, red, green, blue, intensity
SET TERRAIN LIGHT 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 0.7
SET TERRAIN TEXTURE 1, 10058, 10056 ` base and detail texture
BUILD TERRAIN 1 ` finally build the terrain
remember to update the terrain during the main loop using
update terrain, and if you want to destroy it use
destroy terrain 1.
No special dll needen, all included in ver 6.02b.
"An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind."