Heres a rough demo...please be gentle with it.
Right click and drag - move screen
Mouse Wheel - Zoom in/Out
Left click - Go to that point (if cursor is arrow)
Left click - Shoot at that point (if cursor is crosshair)
Left click, CTRL key and drag - To select team members
Also Click on their stats in the left of screen to select members and CTRL click to select multiples members.
A selected team member is completely under your control and will not act on his own...if you relinquish control he will shoot back at enemies on his own, investigate sounds and attempt to get to his destination.
1. Eventually, what will happen is you'll have a persistant team of soldiers that improve over time and you can buy armor and weapons and so on for them. As members die you'll need to replace them and there will be a market for buying and selling squad members. Additionally you'll be able to select what members go on what missions. Obviously, atm, you are being automatically allocated with members.
2. As team members get hits on an enemy they get better at shooting them, will shoot faster, run quicker and so on.
3. There are various story arcs depending on what missions you take. You are basically a merc and will have to pay a finders fee for missions. The better the mission, the higher the fee.
4. With money you make you'll be able to buy enhanced weapons, team members and weaponry.
5. All of the backup files are based around LUA script, so the whole thing is moddable easily.
Problems I know of:
1. Initially, when you start the tutorial mission if you don't select your players quick, they'll wander off.
2. I am still tweaking the tutorial mission, and some things have changed since I last modified the script - so in places the script varies from the reality.
3. You can only select units by dragging a box from top-left to bottom-right. I will sort this in future releases.
4. Sometimes things don't go according the scripts plan. Its entirely conceivable that you might get to the bit with the friendly and enemy units and find they have already shot each other to pieces. In addition, some of the units have a nasty habit of investigating the gun shot sounds rather than stay in their predefined location. I am slowly fixing this problem.
Glenn Carter