one last problem i want a gun to be the main objective for my level however i cant see it on the game! can some one tell me whats going on?
sync rate 0
load object "gun1.x",13
position object 13,0,100,-200
make object cube 3,20
make object cube 1,100
scale object 1,10000,1,10000
position camera 50,0,200
make object box 2,1000,200,100
load image "brick13.bmp",1
load image "tarp02.bmp",2
load image "shiny01.bmp",3
position object 2,0,100,0
texture object 2,1
texture object 1,2
position object 3,50,0,200
make object box 6,1200,200,100
position object 6,100,100,300
texture object 6,1
make object box 7,100,200,1200
position object 7,-500,100,-300
texture object 7,1
make object box 8,100,200,800
position object 8,600,100,-150
texture object 8,1
make object box 9,1300,200,900
position object 9,0,100,-1000
texture object 9,1
make object box 10,200,200,300
position object 10,100,100,-200
texture object 10,1
make object box 11,10,200,400
position object 11,200,100,-350
texture object 11,3
make object cube 12,50
pcx#=camera position x()
pcz#=camera position z()
sx#=object position x(3)
sz#=object position z(3)
if leftkey()=1
turn object left 3,5
turn camera left 5
if rightkey()=1
turn object right 3,5
turn camera right 5
if upkey()=1
move object 3,5
if downkey()=1
move object 3,-5
position camera sx#,100,sz#
position object 12,sx#,100,sz#
if object collision(2,3)
position object 3,pcx#,0,pcz#
if object collision(6,3)
position object 3,pcx#,0,pcz#
if object collision(7,3)
position object 3,pcx#,0,pcz#
if object collision(8,3)
position object 3,pcx#,0,pcz#
if object collision(9,3)
position object 3,pcx#,0,pcz#
if object collision(10,3)
position object 3,pcx#,0,pcz#
if object collision(11,3)
position object 3,pcx#,0,pcz#
if object collision(12,11)
if spacekey()=1
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5
move object 11,5