Xplosys, Thank You so so much for this one.
Ive been struggling with this for weeks now and was just about to
give up. It was Your use of the raycast command that Ive been
overlooking all this time. Brilliant!
Once again Thank You.
Walking Dead
[quote]the static ladder stays on the wall and the dynamic one falls to the ground (you can pick it up and throw it). I can't climb the ladder either.
I had the same problem, Here is the work around:
When You set the dynamic ladder, Make sure You set "Isimobile"
to YES in its properties. (when You right click on it to set the
ladder FPI as its mail AI)
This will make it invissable, so other than "Isimobile" Make
sure you follow Xplosys' instructions to a tee and it should work.
Dont try to be different, Just be good,
To be good is different enough.