Quote: "First of all, I would like to ask Zotoaster and Lukas W the permission to include in my program their GUI system and FileSelector. They would be a good help."
hold that thought. i am actually rewriting the file browser.
eventually it will support:
* simulation of my computer
* make dir
* rename dir/file
* load / save / ok - button (three totally different modules)
* hopefully a scrollbox that "have a scaleable box" and not just two arrows
* icons for images, dba/dbpro, exe, bat (and other common file formats)
* all in a "no media reqired open source package"
* i also need to write a program that takes an image and convert it to db code (like "ink rgb(r,g,b) : dot x,y")
* i forgot to mention that it will be included in a gui system i am currently working on
but it wont be done for another month or so, so go ahead and use that filebrowser, but it's pretty much outdated and was originally written for dbc, so it have a few bugs in it when running in dbpro)