Well, just 3 days to go, so here is my Dark AI competition WIP.
Most people associate AI with FPS or RPG games, so I've gone for a completely different style. Railrider is a simple arcade style game where you naigate around the tracks to collect tokens. The first to collect 5 tokens, you or the computer player, wins the round.
Dark AI is used for:
Computer navigation around the track (AI Paths)
Setting level intelligence by manipulating waypoints in memblocks
Special effects (to add)
Preventing trains from double-backing (memblock waypoints)
other stuff!!!
There's loads more to add, such as sounds, hi scores, effects, and a full menu system. But please have a play and let me know what you think. Download attached
Controls - just the left and right arrow keys!
Hit your opponent and you will stop, turn and go back in opposite direction (will lose tokens in final version)
Fail to turn at a T-junction and you will stop and reverse (losing valuable time)