first off, when you are asking questions, try and type properly and don't use abbreviations like "lol" and "plz"...
load object "[your filename]",[object number]
for example:
load object "models\gun1.x",1
you need to include the path for where your object is saved, either in relation to your program or in your computer (you are better off putting it in a media folder inside the folder where your program is), and the extension on the end. Then to delete the object at the end of the program, you just use
DarkBASIC doesn't automatically load textures (I don't think), so you will need to export your texture into a bitmap file. Then you use this code.
load bitmap "images\guntexture.bmp",1
get image 1,0,0,256,256
delete bitmap 1
texture object 1,1
basically, how that code works is:
load bitmap: this loads a bitmap file. again, make sure that you include the extension on the end (must be .bmp with load bitmap)
get image: this converts the current bitmap (in this case bitmap 1 because you've just loaded it) into an image that darkbasic can use. The 1 means that this is image 1 (every image needs a number so that darkBASIC can access it). The next four numbers are coordinates. Assuming that your bitmap is 256x256 pixels and you want to include all of it you need 0 for the first two to make it start getting the image at the top left and 256 at the bottom right. The first and third are x coordinates, and the second and fourth are y coordinates.
delete bitmap: this deletes the bitmap... you should do this whenever you are finished using a bitmap but its not absolutely necessary
texture object: this applies the texture to the object. The first number is the object number, the second is the image number (in my example, both one)
I'm tired so I'm not going to explain any more at the moment but if you need more help just let me know.
I think I was fairly thorough but if anything needs clarifying just reply to this post, and I'm sorry if you think I sound patronising explaining every command I just don't know how much you know