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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / EEK!! Problems installing Dark Physics!

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Joined: 28th Jan 2004
Posted: 4th Sep 2006 17:36
Hello, I have received the full version of Dark Physics, and have installed it on. Unfortunately, it seems to have gone horribly wrong. After running the 6.2 update then the Physics update. I tried running DB. It came up but no physics or any order key request.
So I checked again and I think it has installed to the demo directory I downloaded a few days ago to try it. So I uninstalled the demo and tried again. No luck, it kept putting the files in the demo directory.
Next I figured I would uninstall Dark Basic and start from scratch. No luck there either.

A couple of restore points later (my last attempt) I am no closer to installing. In fact I would say things are pretty messed up. Anyone know a way to definateley clear all signs of the install's so I can try to start from afresh, short of wiping my system (which I really don't want to do). I hate messing with the registry, but looks like it may be my only option now...


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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 18:20
Ok, I've sorted it out now. The updaters finally saw the correct version of DB and installed. Not tried anything yet but at least it runs and has the new icon showing

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Mike Johnson
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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 20:14
I'm pleased to hear you have got things sorted. With the trial being installed it probably updated the registry and left the DB Pro install path pointing to the trial version which in turn confuses the installer and so it chooses to install there by default. If it does this again check the directory when installing and make sure it is going to the directory where the full version of DB Pro is installed.

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