Don't worry about it. I went off at it to. My bad. Erm, Higgins, you make models and money, you are way ahead of me. Butter Fingers was right, they are just flat faces extruded. When I get home, Im going to do the same thing, but make the barrels round...Then I'll need help texturing (And learn all those things you said.)
With pest456's knife, he made the blade, extruded it a small amount, then made the handle, and extruded it a whole lot more, then moved it into place...I thought that was pretty smart of that what you mean by not modelling the whole thing in one go?
Butter Fingers, your game; Fall of the fireflies looks awesome! (You have to teach me how to make a scrolling
"The wrench...the blood...the bullets...the...the...FPSC SCI-FI PACK!!"