Those that have been using FPSC for any length of time know exactly what its capabilities are.
With a lot of effort you will be able to make a resonable game well comparable to any indie engine in its class. Better perhaps if you work harder than anyone else.
To suggest using FPSC and expect to make a game comparable to any major AAA title at any point in its history is just ridiculous. It cant and you wont in my humble opinion. I just dont think thats a very helpful or realistic suggestion.
As FPSC develops so to will other software and hardware technologies and the situation will always remain the same.
The reality is FPSC will improve and by comparison to what users have been able to make with it to date certainly depending upon the amount of investment TGC are prepared to put into the product users will do their part I am sure and get the best from it.
FPSC could well be improved quite dramatically in some areas if TGC so decide - I have my doubts however in the case of certain aspects of the product that would need improvement as an aid to advanced gamemaking whether or not it will or indeed can be done. Apart from anything esle engines which are used to create modern major titles are very sophisticated pieces of kit indeed and are overall very expensive. One cannot realistically expect a budget game making product to compete on the same level - it just does not happen.
Its uncertain at this moment in time what future developer results might be but I have more than some doubt that you will see anyone take it and make a major title with it. I hope someone does.
Until thats done wishful thinking alone does not lend support to such a suggestion.
Many users have already shown that FPSC is used by some very talented people and I am sure they will be joined by others. Hopefully futrure development of the product will help them further and the games they make will be even better - If that happens most users will be happy to achieve that.
You wont make the next doom or half-life but you will make better games than previously was possible.
Good luck anyway all with your future FPSC game making. I wish you all much success.
"I am and forever will be your friend"