There maybe many menu functions around, but here is my own attempt, this generally for a 3 part text based main page menu system. But you can use your imagination or edit parts to suit you.
The function.
function menu3(st$,st2$,st3$,fnt$,mx#,my#,image$,image#,nil1#,nil2#,nil3#)
The three strings, this is the text content of the meny, eq, "Play"."Load","Quit"
This is the font to be used, eg. "Arial"
x and y positions of where the menu will be placed.
Image filename and image number, eg. "back.jpg",1
The number from the 'nil' function to execute, the nil function allows you to place and apply numbers to commands you want to execute on the menu.
The function snippet;
function menu3(st$,st2$,st3$,fnt$,mx#,my#,image$,image#,nil1#,nil2#,nil3#)
`Generally 'loopy' stuff
sync on
sync rate 10
`This is the command for loading your image, if you don't want it, removed the image variables where you see them and
`the line below.
load image image$,image#
`The command that sets the font
set text font fnt$
`This is the original render of text
text mx#,my#,st$
text mx#,my#+30,st2$
text mx#,my#+60,st3$
`This variable is for storing a number so the function can call differant
`processes depending on the number
me# = 0
`Begin loop
`Show the background image
paste image image#,0,0
`If the value me# is at '0' then it will set the foreground/background colours as so, in other words
`Change the colours of your texts.
if me# = 0
ink rgb(255,255,255), rgb(0,0,0)
text mx#,my#,st$
ink rgb(100,100,100), rgb(0,0,0)
text mx#,my#+30,st2$
ink rgb(100,100,100), rgb(0,0,0)
text mx#,my#+60,st3$
`Same again, if the value is 1
if me# = 1
ink rgb(100,100,100), rgb(0,0,0)
text mx#,my#,st$
ink rgb(255,255,255), rgb(0,0,0)
text mx#,my#+30,st2$
ink rgb(100,100,100), rgb(0,0,0)
text mx#,my#+60,st3$
`And the same for 2
if me# = 2
ink rgb(100,100,100), rgb(0,0,0)
text mx#,my#,st$
ink rgb(100,100,100), rgb(0,0,0)
text mx#,my#+30,st2$
ink rgb(255,255,255), rgb(0,0,0)
text mx#,my#+60,st3$
`Using the arrow keys to increase and decrease the me# value, with the above bit, that means
`the text colour changes on the arrow key control
if upkey()=1 then dec me#,1
if downkey()=1 then inc me#,1
`To loop the values back round if they go under or above the restricted range
if me# > 2 then me# = 0
if me# < 0 then me# = 2
`giving commands if returnkey is pressed on any of the 3 me# values
if me# = 0 and returnkey() = 1 then nil(nil1#)
if me# = 1 and returnkey() = 1 then nil(nil2#)
if me# = 2 and returnkey() = 1 then nil(nil3#)
You will also need the the 'nil' function afterwards
function nil(nil#)
REM Insert numbered commands to execute.
If I were using in the menu function, 1,2,3 in the nil, look at what the nil function would be;
function nil(nil#)
if nil# = 1 then text 0,10,"GAME!"
if nil# = 2 then testing()
if nil# = 3 then end
Here is an example in action if you will.
set text size 28
menu3("New Game","Options","Quit","Arial",450,350,"Control/Data/GUI/Images/title.jpg",1,1,2,3)
function nil(nil#)
if nil# = 1 then text 0,10,"GAME!"
if nil# = 2 then text 0,10,"OPTION!"
if nil# = 3 then end