Well, you'd have to either make a box image, load it then put the text on top..
Or use the 2d commands to draw one.
This snippet uses the graphical text box:
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
rem Load your box image
`load image "message_box.bmp",1
rem Render the box to the screen
`set image 1,0,0,1
rem 6 lines in the message box max
dim mybox$(6)
rem Put Values in your strings
rem Line 1
rem Line 2
mybox$(2)="This is a message window!"
rem Line 3
mybox$(3)="Hope it works!"
This next snippet will print the text into the box:
rem Loop to print the text in the message box
text 5,y,string$
inc y,12
inc i
if i>6 then end
Is this what you were looking for?
If you have X-ray vision, can you see through your own eyelids?