I just tried the cooldowncpu -thing with gogasdll
as you suggested, but it slowed down the fps.( I'm doing something wrong maybe).
Finnish: Viime vuonna käytiin ajamassa VM -Karting Centerissä, ja halusin mallintaa radan. Tämä "Snow Globe" on taas siksi, että oon täällä Pasilassa töissä. Seuraavaksi laitan jotain muuta tuonne palloon...
English: Last year we went to VM -Karting Center to drive, and I wanted to model that track. This "Snow Globe" exists, because I'm working here at Pasila.Next I put something else to that globe...
Robin and sneaky smith12,
I had done this with Dbp 6.2b installation with
those extras and all...Maybe I have to reinstall
everything from box and update to 6.2b
But now I jumped back to Dbp 5.8 which uses older Directx9c (It now runs even xp pre sp 2)
Also I put everything to one exe
with Dark Explorer. (Also took away unused dll:s)
When I go home from work this afternoon (yes ,weekend
at work
) I update the file.
Lets see, what Vista says about that. (Older DirectX)