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Dark GDK / Perform Checklist For NetPlayers() memory leak?

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Joined: 19th Mar 2006
Posted: 28th Sep 2006 00:16
I was writing a program with a client/server network environment in which its neccesary to know which computer is the host (ie. you dont want data going to the other clients from a client), which is easy enough using the function dbPerformChecklistForNetPlayers() and reading it etc. In so doing though I noticed a recurring issue (and one that completely halts any further work on the project), if you call that function repeatedly (if it is in your program loop) you can watch your programs memory usage continually grow in the Windows process viewer. It doesnt take long with a program with practically nothing in it to grow into the realm of taking up a gig of system memory.

Im not sure if anyone has heard of this, or if im doing something foolish, but it seems like a pretty serious bug. Since without using that function its very hard to do any remotely intricate network programming.

If anyone wants me to post code that will cause the issue let me know, im posting from a computer that doesn\\\'t have the program so Ill wait till someone requests it. At anyrate, any imput would be greatly appreciated.
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Joined: 1st Dec 2002
Location: Spain
Posted: 28th Oct 2006 17:38
It would be helpful to see that code, please post it when you have some time.
On the other side, maybe it is just enough to check the net players when the net game starts.

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