Hey, i purchased a copy of DB Pro about 5months ago now, i did a few tutorials but because of my course at uni i didnt really have time to do it. I have managed to get back into the swing of things and now want to start to create games again.
During the summer i had a rest from DB and decided to concentrate on music, however this has also been an inspiration because i can now compose a few songs for a game if needbe.
I have lost most of my knowledge but if any beginner wants to work on a small game, probably 2D for now but maybe 3D then just add me to your msn at sharkadder@hotmail.com
Like i say its to gain experiance really
I will soon pick it up again anyways. cheers
(1)create something new, (2)update that something new to make it more enjoyable and look nicer, (3)when bored of that idea repeat (1)