OK, so today I was trying to figure out why my locrian@out-lawz email addy was having a problem. Many have recently tried emailing me and I never seemed to get the messages.
So anyways I'm in my hotmail box emailing myself in an attempt to figure out why my server isn't getting the messages. Wile in the hotmail box, I see the new news letter from TGC, which is basically just
Scrolling though the DBP stuff and coming to the FPSC items whats there that catches my eye but the image of the splash screen that I did for Butter Fingers game FOTF. Kind of surprised(as I've never actually had an image used made by myself that wasn't in like gallery/3d rendering type site) I then followed the link in the newsletter to Butter's site since I hadn't visited it in a bit.
Well not only dose TGC use one of my images in the newsletter but Butter gives me a very nice thanks on his site here:
Just wanted to publicly say thanks for his thanks so to speak. All the best to your project man.
PS Butter, I fixed my email so if you ever want to email me again it should work now. Terry tried sending me a letter as well and that's when I got off my but and just deleted the account and remade it. No idea what was wrong, but it works again.
Mods if this isn't the section to post this in my apologies, but thought this the most appropriate.