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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / Capsules slightly too big?

Chris K
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Location: Lake Hylia
Posted: 8th Oct 2006 23:34
Run this:

Does anyone know why the capsules don't touch the floor properly?

It looks like the physics object is longer than the visual one...

Chris K
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Location: Lake Hylia
Posted: 9th Oct 2006 21:59
Yeah, I used the debugger thing and it is definately making it too big.

Is there anything I can do?

The must be a way of telling it the size of the capsule to use, it's not ALWAYS calculated automatically is it?

Chris K
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Location: Lake Hylia
Posted: 10th Oct 2006 00:52
OK I worked it out.

When you make a dynamic capsule of an object, it makes the capsule's straight edge the same size as the object's height.

Even if that object is a perfect capsule, and it could fit it perfectly.

I worked around it, but it's annoying.

make dynamic capsule should be able to take sizes.

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