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Dark GDK / Trying to use 'glue' to rotate off axis... Impossible with GDK?

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Posted: 11th Oct 2006 08:54
I'm trying to always rotate an object around a particular axis. I want it to always rotate like an object at angles 0,0,0 would (rather than the local axis from previous rotations). I realize that I could probably buy that EZRotate dll but looking at it's page doesn't make it clear if it works with the latest GDK.

What is the difference between 'dbLimbAngleX' and 'dbLimbDirectionX'??? The documentation doesn't say anything. (gdk nor dbpro, they both say the same thing for both commands, which isn't much. Why no thourough explanation? What I'm looking for is a command that will give me the actual angles of a glued on limb...)

My theory was that I could make a dummy cube, make sure it was rotated to 0,0,0, position it where the existing object already was, glue the existing object to the dummy cube as a limb. Then rotate the dummy cube a bit, lets say 15degrees on the z axis. And since the cube was starting from 0,0,0 rotation, the attached object would rotate with the dummy cube around the global z axis, and then I was hoping to ask it for it's limb angle or limb direction, unglue it, destroy the dummy, then rotate the original object to this new value. Well it doesn't work at all.

Has anyone done anything similar to this, or does anyone have a bit 'o code you're willing to share that allows you to rotate around a specific axis(vector)? I'd really appreciate the help.


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Posted: 11th Oct 2006 21:17
Well I figured it out.

I was under the impression that dbGlueObjectToLimb turned the glued object into a limb, which it doesn't. (Did dbPerformCheckListForObjectLimbs and saw there was no increase...).

So I just made a cube and turned it into a mesh and added it as a limb. This worked just fine and I was able to make my off-axis rotations with little effort using the limb technique (No ez-rotate required =) And to clear up a question I posed above, it appears that dbLimbDirectX returns the world based angle whereas dbLimbAngleX returns the offset angle.


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Posted: 28th Oct 2006 17:47
Thanks for the info.

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