New is scary, thankfully there is
"The School For the Fundamentally Flawed Socitarians Who Suffer From Cenophobia". Here we will bombard you non-stop with new Ideas, concepts, glamour, until your mind explodes resulting in your death, you become comatose, or you actually overcome your fear of new ideas. We are the best reform school utilizing the best technology of the times including Electrotherapy, Neurotheropy, Lobotomy, Hallucinogenic Therapy, and even Photosensitive Induced Seizure Therapy. We even have a team of bounty hunters and bloodhounds to track you down if you attempt to escape (why over 98.5% try to escape eludes us... it is in their best interest to stay) and will ALLWAYS retrieve you. With a turn out of 37% (The rest either dead or comatose) we believe our school to be the best reform school as of yet. Join now.
Note: Although the spelling may be flawed Socitarian should mean member of society.
Question: What Significance does 98.5 and 37 have?
Wisemen are hard to find, they are tarnished by sayings and quotes that are not of their true nature.