In my compo entry, I have small debris objects that come off explosions and such, and noticed that my game starts running really slow after a while(sub 10fps) and tracked the error down to the 'Phy Delete Rigid Body' command, it seems that it doesn't delete the collision mesh data, and piles onto the ram, however in my project it seems to run every slow, even when the objects are deleted, so it's almost asif the collision calcs are still being run despite the objects being deleted, and I would use the Sleep/Wake commands, but they are way too slow for use in realtime so I had to settle for this object, and having 100unused dynamic objects is a slowdown I don't need.
And also, will any of these bugs get fixed before the deadline? Because I'm having to use alot of doge methods to get my game to look like what I had hoped it to be, and even things like simple raycasting doesn't work, so I had to use sparkys dll, eventually there won't be much DarkPysics usage if I come across any more bugs like these.
And below is a demo showing the memory leak, if you open the task manager and watch each time the objects get reset the app`s ram usage increaces by around 6meg.
Sync on
Set Window On
Set Display Mode 800,600,32,1
Autocam Off
Phy Enable Debug
Phy Start
Phy Set Gravity 0 , -98 , 0
`Set Camera.
Position Camera 0,-200,-400
For X = - 5 To 5
For Z = - 5 To 5
Inc ObjCount
Make Object Sphere ObjCount,10
Position Object ObjCount,X*15,0,Z*15
Phy Make Rigid Body Dynamic Convex ObjCount
Color Object ObjCount,Rgb(Rnd(255),Rnd(255),Rnd(255))
Next Z
Next X
Text 0,0,Str$(Screen Fps())
If Object Position Y(1) < - 300
For Obj = 1 To ObjCount
Phy Delete Rigid Body Obj
Position Object Obj,Object Position X(Obj),0,Object Position Z(Obj)
Phy Make Rigid Body Dynamic Convex Obj
Next Obj
Phy Update
Hallowed are the ori.