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DLL Talk / TrackIR Support - DLL Wrapper needed

NaturalPoint Warren
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Joined: 16th Oct 2006
Location: Corvallis, OR - USA
Posted: 17th Oct 2006 02:30
Hello All,
I've been talking to a developer who made a space sim with DarkBasic. He would like to support my company's TrackIR device (an optical Head Tracker, for pc gaming).

The problem is that our SDK is C/C++ based. Mike Johnson suggested someone in these forums might be able to help us out. Basically, i think we need to create a DLL wrapper that'll break the data into simple types that DB can work with. NaturalPoint's programmers are too busy with R&D, so i'm hoping that one of you might be able to help.

The caveat is that the TrackIR SDK contains trade secrets, so i'd need to ask that an NDA or Usage Agreement be in place before sending it out. (and while my boss is allowing me to pursue this in an open forum, he has asked that i only pursue setting up an NDA with those who have created a publicly released game, or have an established business/presence).

If you'd be willing to look into this, please drop me a line. Thanks for any help, guys.

Find out all about TrackIR, and other Optical Tracking hardware at:
Ron Erickson
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2006 06:54
In case anyone is interested, I did complete a wrapper to support the TrackIR that works with DB classic and DBpro in regards to this topic.

If you are unfamiliar with the TrackIR, it is head tracking equipment that is very popular in the flight simulater genre. It makes it so your screen view will look in whatever direction you turn your head. It has full 6dof.

If you are interested in the hardware, check out Natural Point's website:
In order to develop a game that uses the TrackIR you currently have to sign a NDA and acquire a developer's ID from them. To do this, you might have to have some work in progress or at least something to show them, but I don't think the process itself is very difficult.
I think there are some really cool, unique things that can be done with hardware such as this. It's definately worth looking into for some of the more creative people here.


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